Friday, March 5, 2010

WOLA and LAWG call Zapata's death "a tragedy", "indefensible"

The Washington Office on Latin America and the Latin American Working Group have now each issued statements criticizing the death of Orlando Zapata Tamayo at the hands of the Cuban state on February 23. From WOLA:

"The death of Orlando Zapata Tamayo is a horrible tragedy. Mr. Zapata should not have been in prison. The Cuban government should not criminalize peaceful political activity or those who defend human rights. Prison authorities should have recognized his deteriorating health, and responded." 

and LAWG:

"This tragic death, and the continuing practice of detaining opposition voices in Cuba, calls us even more strongly to change U.S. policy toward Cuba. We look forward to a time when U.S. citizens and Cuban citizens may freely associate, traveling to one another’s countries without restriction from either government."

It is good for policy organizations who advocate for an end to the travel ban and el bloqueo, as does Armar una Bronca, to forcefully, frequently and publicly call on the Cuban regime to respect human rights, democratize, and free prisoners of conscience. This robs parties opposed to US-Cuban dialogue the space to criticize steps taken towards closer relations.

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