La UNAM's Manuel Quijano states the obvious, with about 20 months to go, Mexico's presidential potrillos are out of the gates. EdoMex governor and heart throb, Enrique Peña Nieto, has maintained his frontrunner status, a large number of Calderon's cabinet secretaries are jockeying for position, and Marcelo Ebrad and Lopez Obrador are in an awkward dance to push the other out of the way and a clear path for the PRD nomination, one that will most likely not lead to Los Pinos.
In the meantime, Calderon has lost momentum on any chance for telecommunications or political reform due to his insistence since Day 1 to fight the narcos to the death.
Hombre, when are you going to post something heady like a shot of a random zocalo with guys selling more balloons than anyone could ever imagine?