Sunday, July 10, 2011

Just about all you need to know about Macri

La ciudad de Buenos Aires votes today for su jefe de gobierno. La ley seca is in effect. Clubs and bars closed at the stroke of midnight, which is to say they probably didn't open at all, and no alcohol will be sold today. Running for a second mandato, is Mauricio Macri, son of one of Argentina's wealthiest developers, kidnapping victim, and enemy of contemporary art. The video above, from the program, Caiga Quien Caiga, may be all you need to know about the man.

Macri got his big break when his dad, who had millions of dollars of business with Boca Juniors, helped his son get elected as president of the club. From there he sprung into politics and was elected mayor in 2007. He has been implicated in an enemies list spying scandal which was conducted by his appointed chief of the metropolitan police, Fino Palacios. Palacios in turn, has been implicated in and prosecuted for various crimes, including a cover up related to the 1994 AIMA bombing which killed 85 people and the extrajudicial killings of protesters during the civil unrest of December 2001.

Other than that, Macri is known for his deep-seeded rivalry with CFK, especially over control of security forces in the city, his conservative base of support, and his battles against unions and residents of the villas.

La Casa Rosada is hoping that Daniel Filmus, current federal senator and former government minister, academic, and communist activist, can draw Macri into a second round run-off.

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