Friday, July 6, 2012

Televisa: what Soriana videos?

This morning I watched about a 10 minute election round-up on Televisa. The first segment was a really grating exchange between the PRD and PRI IFE representatives. The PRDista was accusing EPN and the PRI of massive vote-buying. The PRIista's strategy was to deny everything. Then they went to AMLO's press conference at PRD headquarters that was apparently constructed of Soriana gift cards. There he further accused the PRI of massive 'compra y coaccion.' Two sides, with a balance of the time given to the accusations of the izquierda. Finally, Televisa presented Soriana's letter attempting to explain just how they got caught up in this mess. Luckily for the integrity of Mexico's democracy, we're told, this was all a big mistake and the cards are nothing more than a customer/employee loyalty program.

Well, when is the last time hundreds of people showed up at la super clamoring to spend their gift cards after word spreads that the cards will be cancelled now that the gig is up? All Televisa had to do was show one of the many YouTube videos of person after person quite openly stating that the PRI gave them these cards in exchange for their vote in the packed aisles. But that would rock the boat too much. Much easier to keep the whole affair as a 'he said, she said' instead of actually presenting the evidence.

The worst thing is that although the PRI said the cards were worth 300-500 pesos, people are discovering when they get to their local Soriana that most of them are worth only 100 pesos.

The very next story involved a brewing PRD campaign finance scandal with a tapped phone call and on cue, ominous music.

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