Keiko Fujimori, daughter of incarcerated former Peruvian president, Alberto Fujimori, continues to position herself to run for president in 2011. How she fares with the electorate will be inexorably linked to whether the country believes her father should be sprung from prison after being convicted of multiple corruption and human rights crimes this year. She will have a hard time being asked about anything else since she has so readily invited the intrigue.
For instance, she recently gave interviews to foreign reporters (Peruvian journalists are just as interested in the pardon angle) where she declared him to be innocent and hoped she would not have to pardon him due to his appeal, which is currently being heard. At the moment she has the backing of 22% of voters, which places her at the front of a crowded pack, tied with Lima mayor Luis Castaneda.
Her detractors are mobilized and anti-Keiko groups have been popping up on facebook. In fact, one such group with over 13,000 fans (25,000 belong to other groups, though many join to defend Keiko and make the site ungovernable) has just been reinstated on the site. Here is a somewhat un-PC image from this group, (this is Latin America, where the ethnically Japanese Fujimori is affectionately known as "el chino") depicting a "get out of jail free" card for her father:
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