Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Voices from the Honduran Election

"Even though they try to blame us for the violence, the violence is coming in one direction: from them, towards us." -Tomas Andino, democracy activist

"A peaceful march of over 500 people was just culminating at the Central Park of San Pedro Sula when a large armored tank with high pressure water cannons mounted on the top pulled up at the rear of the march--along with a large truck full of military troops. The 500 peaceful, unarmed protesters turned around to face the tank and troops--and in unison, they sat down in the middle of the street. The truck retreated 2 blocks. The soldiers got off the truck, and began to put on gas masks. Everything went silent--and suddenly the crowd was attacked with water cannons and gas. People are fleeing. There are wounded and detained." -Quixote Center

"The elections cannot be valid if they are hosted without President Zelaya being restored to power." -Argentine Foreign Minister Jorge Taina

"The Honduran people did not accept the electoral process as valid. They did not feel it belonged to them. Today we defeated (de facto leader) Micheletti at the voting ballots, we defeated the violence at the voting ballots." -Deposed Honduran President, Manuel Zelaya

"Tomorrow we will start the political dialogue to make the nation's plan concrete which will not leave anybody aside because we all are Hondurans." -Porfirio Lobo, President-elect of Honduras

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